27 Haziran 2012 Çarşamba

ONE WORD book video (featuring "fork" from "sixpack" by Thylias Moss)

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The promotional video for One Word book: contemporary writers on the words they love or loathe, edited by Molly McQuade from Sarabande Books features excerpts from fork, a section of the essay sixpack by Thylias Moss, a close associate of forkergirl.

Please enjoy this multimedia short film by Tucker Capps for Sarabande. Note the mix of active and static elements in this little film that delivers forkfuls of visual delight, the quick shift from one visual to another, continuity maintained/sustained by both the spoken text (written by forkergirl's friend) and the music by Jonathan Zalben. Note the range of visual textures. In this case, text preceded the film, inspired the film, provided both rules and obstructions in which/despite which the short film was made. The writing itself did not mandate an unfolding of content as a plot-dependent narrative —indeed; rules embedded in the structure of the writing (structure determined by tenets of Limited Fork Theory) may have made plot-dependent narrative an unlikely vehicle for content intentions or the content transcendence that occurs in this film.

My Two words about the One Word video: Forking good!

One Word: Contemporary Writers on the Words They Love or Loathe from Sarabande Books on Vimeo.

From the One Word book website:
In One Word: Contemporary Writers on the Words They Love or Loathe, Molly McQuade asks the question all writers love to answer: what one word means the most to you, and why? Writers respond with a wild gallimaufry of their own choosing, from ardor to bitchin’ to themostat to wrong to very. There is corn, not the vegetable but the idea, defining cultural generations; solmizate, meaning to sing an object into place; and delicious slang, such as darb and dassn’t. Composed as expository or lyric essays, zinging one-liners, extended quips, jeremiads, etymological adventures, or fantastic romps, the writings address not only English words but also a select few from French, German, Japanese, Quechua, Basque, Igbo, and others. The result is like the best of meals, filled with color, personality, and pomp. There is something delightful and significant for every reader who picks up this wonderful book.

“This sublime anthology is poetry for people who don’t read poems, collecting 67 essays, short stories, and memoirs in which seasoned writers and novices expound, meditate, or riff on a single word. The words range from the familiar (forget by Mimi Schwartz, crash by Dan Moyer) to the obscure (darb by Erin McGraw [1920s slang for an excellent person or thing], umunnem by Kelechi Okere [an Igbo term for all one's blood relatives], from the short (a by Joel Brouwer takes up eight pages) to the long (floccinaucinihilipification by Siobhan Gordon [it means nothing]. Thylias Moss’s disquisition on fork and related words itself forks in many directions. Jason Iwen detects capitalist ideology in interesting, which first appeared in 1711 in an economic context. Poets are almost half of the contributors, but they also include critics, translators, academics, and novelists. These marvelous little pieces of writing highlight not so much the words themselves as what words do, how they exist as themselves but also as the carriers of meanings, which shift and branch into many paths real and metaphoric, juicy with sound.”
Publishers Weekly (starred review)

One Word is a rich and varied collection of meditations on words from the simplest (a and or) to the rarest (kankedort, with only one known occurrence) and from the most basic (doom and filthy) to the most ornately elaborate (floccinaucinihipilification). Starting with Joel Brouwer’s deeply perceptive and thoroughly entertaining exploration of the article a through Lee Martin’s narrative of childhood memories attached to the tricky word colander, Joan Connor’s vignettes associated with lilac, Eric Ormsby’s profile of or (“It’s not a showy word but a worker word, a syntactic functionary. … Or stands like a squat bouncer at the revolving door of the disjunction.”), to Mary Swander’s recounting of two billion years of geological history lying beneath topsoil, we encounter all of the many ways that language and human events intersect. In each case, the writer has chosen, to borrow wording from Maureen N. McLane’s essay on kankedort, an “exceptional word”, an “unusual word,” a word that has “lodged itself like a mystery, a word that gathered around it associations [both] personal and ramifying…” Not surprisingly in a collection of writings about language, we encounter not only discussions of words and meanings but also stories of relationships with parents, children, mates, and friends, and of the intimate and powerful forces that shape lives. It is a measure of the power and the wisdom and the charm of these pieces that a reader’s relationship with these words will never be quite the same after reading this collection. Maggie Hivnor’s words about Yeats’ use of the word half-light seem apt for this collection as well: “When poets use a word as well as that, they leave a trace of meaning on it, a fingerprint—or sheen: a new layer of lacquer, a warmth, like the time-worn glow on the newel-post of an old banister, touched by generations.” Readers of this collection too will find that the words profiled here have a new trace of meaning, a warmth, and a time-worn glow.”
—John Morse, President and Publisher of Merriam-Webster, Inc.

“At last! A dictionary for people who are words! From the eight pages that define “A” (the fifth most commonly used word in English) (“A never looks back”) to the concluding two pages of “Wrong” (“Two wrongs only make a wrong wronger.”), what we have here is a smorgasbord of sentience, a collision of serendipity and scholarship. This is a book at play in the fields of meaning, a sixpack (Thylias Moss) of quipus (Arthur Sze), a dehiscence (Forrest Gander) of florere (Vincent Katz), I (Cynthia Gaver) hope (John Rodriguez) as (we like it) (Brenda Hillman). We like it! When More’s Utopia is realized, One Word will be the vocabulary list for the SATs. (Except: there will be no SATs!)”
—Bob Holman


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Since Trilbe's been thinking about DJs and electronic music, I thought I'd contribute some work by one of my favorite musicians ever, DJ Shadow:

DJ Shadow's album, Endtroducing, was (I believe) one of the first albums ever to be composed entirely of samples from other musicians. We've brought up, in class, a LFT creative process which involves a subdivision of ideas. To make a video poem, for example, there seem to be couple of types of subdivision: of medium, where one idea is expressed in multiple formats; and of idea, where one idea is broken into pieces which are displayed simultaneously.

To play devil's advocate, though, doesn't text poetry involve a kind of subdivision of ideas, where ideas which, in prose, would be perhaps 'limited' to semantics, in poetry get expressed simultaneously by prosodic techniques?

Anyhow. I'm drawn to sampling, and to DJ Shadow, who seems to be not just subdividing ideas but uniting others' fragments and creating an atmosphere out of those seams.

This is actually a response to David's DJ Shadow post down there but the comment wouldnt allow my video

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I was under the impression that John Oswald's Plexure, released in 1993, was the first entire album to depend solely on other musicians' work. Plexure is about 20 minutes of mixed and mashed snippets of pop songs released between, I think, 1980-1990, or at least somewhere in that span of years. It’s pretty disorienting, but also extremely interesting, if you can stand what essentially sounds like somebody fiddling with a radio tuning knob, constantly cycling through radio stations for 20 minutes.

However, I think Oswald has been quick to distance himself from "sampling" in the traditional sense, like what is done in hip-hop. Oswald labels what he does as Plunderphonics (essay: Plunderphonics or Audio Piracy as a Compositional Prerogative) and seems to draw the distinction between Plunderphonics and sampling in that hip-hop and other sample-heavy genres, e.g. glitch, normally attempt to fit their samples into an existing peice, or a peice which will exist; either way, the sample is merely a layer among layers. To "plunder" is instead to make music exclusively out of samples, to use the sampling machine as a musical instrument in itself. To create plunderphonic music is then to use such an instrument to recreate "noise" (what we hear around us, natural or unnatural) the same way that composers (Oswald dwells on Ives in particular) create melody out of existing tone scales and public domain pieces (since many of those older composers were creating in a copyright-free era).

It seems that Oswald is aligning himself with Futurist composer Luigi Russolo, who created “music” out of assembled devices which would recreate noises such as whistling, thundering, creaking, etc, and John Cage, whose compositions using radios in the 40s and 50s (I think that’s right) preface Oswald’s own radio-derived pieces. Essentially, Oswald provides an avenue out of the copyright dilemma by asserting that A. “plundering” has been a musical tradition stretching from Bach to jazz to contemporary pop music, and B. the sampler is a unique instrument, just as are pianos, trumpets, guitars, capable of producing music that, though it may be derived entirely from other pieces, is wholly unique on its own and is thus a creation equal to any other musical or artistic creation.

I have Plexure if anybody is interested in hearing any of it, but I won’t post anything from it since I don’t want anybody unwillingly bombarded by such abrasive dissonance. I will, however, post a Girl Talk song; Girl Talk is the pseudonym for DJ Gregg Gillis, who is a contemporary mash-up artist. Mash-up, as a genre, I believe probably comes closest genre-wise to reproducing Oswald’s aims in Plunderphonics, except that mash-up, generally speaking, is party music.

The song is track number 10, I think, from Gillis' 3rd album, Night Ripper (Warning: Explicit language). The video was created by Concordia University professor Matthew Soar, for the Open Cinema Source Project.

Part of the fun of mash-up music, and Girl Talk's in particular, is also being to recognize all the samples (there's something like 200 or so,maybe more, samples spread out over 16 songs) which relates to a buzzword thats been circulating recently about the "pleasure of the known," in which culture has become so reflexive and referential that part of the cultural experience, and part of participating in society, is being able to place references (think of such fare as Mystery Science Theater 3000, Family Guy, the Simpsons, not to mention tons of poetry, etc). To be a participant and to derive pleasure from participation seems increasingly tethered to knowing sources, and being appreciate the layering of sources (a source referencing a source refering a source). Of course, this is incredibly off topic and deserves a different post entirely.

As for what David said about subdivision, I like the application to text poetry and I agree that prosody seems to be the replacement for the music that would accompany a video poem (I guess that should be reversed: music is the replacement for prosody). Or even for a video poem without music, video itself has a rhythm to it, as Russian director Andrei Tarkovsky noted in his book Sculpture in Time: "The dominant, all powerful factor of the film image is rhythm, expressing the course of time within the frame....[The expression of time]...is the very foundation of cinema...Rhythm...is not the metrical sequence of peices; what makes it is the time-thrust within the frames. Rhythm...is the main formative element of cinema....Rhythm in cinema is conveyed by the life of the object visibly recorded in the frame." (Sculpting in Time, pgs 113-120).

Anyway, I agree that sampling, or plundering involves the subdividing of ideas in a LFT kind of way; the only quibble I have, David, is your statement that "[DJ Shadow] unit[es] others' fragments". Isnt it the other way around, though? Don't his sources, and the sources for most other musical sampling/plundering begin as united, and then the artist/sampler/Dj/plunderer fragments those compositions? At least, that really only applies to music-- not that a DJ couldnt unite out of fragments, I just dont know of any case where a DJ has done so. I think the point you made is still relevant for poets though, and maybe this is where the alikeness between a DJ and a poet ends: a poet can unite fragments or fragment unities and create poetry out of either. We're lucky to have it both ways.

As for what I was supposed to post, about the supposedly French Oulipian idea about how any word has the potential and the weight of all other words (which I think I now actually picked up from Derrida, not Oulipo) I'll get to that this weekend, since what began as a simple "Hey, here's the link" has turned into something else.

DJ Adio at Beachwood Place with Phillip Bimstein's Door music reveal some of the Vibrational Ways of Doors in Augmenting [Limited Forked Theory] Configurable Spaces, including idea spaces, and a fondling of ripples of creation —riding some of those wavy portals

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While at Beachwood Place Mall, looking, as usual, for evidence of interaction (such as shadows and reflections), I came upon DJ Adio in a shop window, positioned where both he and his reflection could be seen on two glass planes on which reflections from passersby also temporarily converged, diverged, then converged again on the second plane. A sampling, if you will, of space, of occupancy; a sharing of moment as he spun red discs of music I could not hear.

The sharing of space as reflections converged seemed to be a visual aspect of what the DJ was mixing; persons he did not know, could not see were becoming part of him, walking through his image, enlarging what his image could contain, just as he was enlarging sonic space and sonic meanings.

DJ Adio was functioning as a door, as a bifurcation point, as an entrance and exit point, an access point —and his gestures seemed to be shuffling what was converging, configuring the sonic and visual geometries of the connections. A fantastic door system that I wanted to highlight and explore further with Philip Bimstein's Door music and added vocal tracks expressing and exploring some gist of my observations that were part of the convergence, part of the collaboration.

DJ Adio Door Ways Ghost Relay: an adventure in vibration studies was a poam outcome of an unplanned investigation of a convergence of DJ, reflection, observation, meaning as transit system, the mixing of elements by a DJ in the configuration of a moment.

In this investigation, the movements and gestures took on more context as ripples of experience, shockwaves fanning out from a central event: the DJ's role as an assembler of realities within realities; DJ Adio was acting as a hub into which realities fed, a hub of convergence where he reassembled what converged and transmitted alternate versions, more of the other possibilities for the information that converged in his hub. DJ Adio as relay station, as transformer.

"You are mathematical. You don't have to do math; you are math." -Thylias Moss

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Here's a little math I can get with:

“A Thaum is the basic unit of magical strength. It has been universally established as the amount of magic needed to create one small white pigeon or three normal-sized billiard balls.” --Terry Pratchett

Also, I may consider a side-gig in thaumaturgy.

Yes. I think I may.

“I believe anything is possible.
Research into quantum physics
proves that a system changes
simply by someone observing it.
Therefore, all you have to do is be
awake and aware of your environment,
and that enables you to
transform everything around you.
It sounds like hocus pocus, but
scientists are coming to realize that
just thinking about something can
make it happen. Turns out maybe
faith can move mountains.”

--Christine Anderson

25 Haziran 2012 Pazartesi

Illinois man commits suicide in front of police after killing woman www.privateofficer.com

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Carpentersville IL June 25 2012 A 39-year-old Lake in the Hills man fatally shot a female acquaintance and minutes later shot himself in front of police officers last night following a domestic quarrel in northwest suburban Carpentersville, police said.

Anthony Rodriguez, whose last known address was on Tecumseh Drive in Lake in the Hills, was taken to Sherman Hospital, where he was pronounced dead last night, according to a police spokeswoman.

Police were called to the 0-100 block of Pueblo Road at 9:39 p.m. for a report of a man with a gun and a domestic disturbance, she said.

Officers discovered a 39-year-old woman shot twice and dead on the scene, she said.

As police were investigating this, at 10 p.m. a second call came in regarding an armed man, she said.

“The subject who shot this woman was at a friend’s home in the 1500 block of Amarillo Drive,’’ she said.

Police found Rodriguez in the front yard of the home with a gun. “As they tried to talk to him, he shot himself one time,’’ the spokeswoman said.

The woman’s name was not being released Saturday, pending notification of family members, according to the spokeswoman.

The Kane County coroner’s office is handling both deaths, but a representative was not immediately available.

Source:Chicago Tribune

Univ. of Nebraska hook bike thieves with a little "bait" www.privateofficer.com

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Lincoln NE June 25 2012 On the reality TV show “Bait Car,” police park GPS-rigged vehicles -- unlocked and with keys inside -- then wait for an unsuspecting thief to bite.

On the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus, police are doing the same thing -- with bicycles.

The UNL Police Department has been using GPS trackers to catch bike thieves since late 2010, Sgt. John Backer said.

“It is not the most serious problem on campus, but is one of the most prevalent and persistent,” he said. “We try to focus our efforts on the crimes students have to deal with, and (bike theft) is a top spot for that.”

Ninety-three bicycle thefts were reported on campus in 2011, down from 115 the year before. But it’s too early to tell whether the downward trend will continue, Backer said. The annual average is 94.5 bike thefts.

UNL police generally see a spike of reported thefts in September and October, shortly after the start of the fall semester, and a smaller increase in April and May, coinciding with the end of the spring semester, Backer said.

The department uses several bikes it acquired as abandoned property to run the stings.

“It’s not like we’re putting out the best bike out on the market. We’re just putting out an average bicycle because that is what is being stolen,” Backer said.

Officers leave the bike unattended and unlocked in a public place. Typically, Backer said, it’s stolen within four or five hours.

When the GPS indicates the bike has moved beyond a predetermined perimeter, dispatch is notified and officers move, usually catching the two-wheel larcenist with feet still on the pedals. Police also use the university’s camera network to record thefts.

Officers run the sting as often as staffing allows, Backer said, although they don’t do it on days they'll be too busy to retrieve a bike.

They also don’t do it on bitterly cold days for fear of damaging the GPS unit. Winter months are the slowest for bike thefts anyway, he added.

Backer said the department conducted similar operations for years before getting GPS technology, just less often because it required one officer to watch the bike while another waited nearby to catch the thief.

New technology simply has made it much more efficient.


74-year-old Las Vegas commits suicide after firing at wife www.privateofficer.com

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Las Vegas NV June 25 2012 Metro police said a 74-year-old Las Vegas man committed suicide early Saturday after firing a weapon at his wife who fled their home.

Watch commander Lt. Craig Klatt said the man was depressed and had been drinking before he fired a round at the woman, who called police at 7:23 a.m.

Responding officers tried to reach the man by telephone, but he hung up. They later heard a shot inside the home, on Furnace Gulch Avenue near Fort Apache Road, while waiting for a SWAT team to arrive.

The SWAT team then entered the house and found the man dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, Klatt said.

source-las vegas review journal

Jersey Shores strengthens police force during summer with "Specials" www.privateofficer.com

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Ocean City NJ June 25 2012 Every morning, 21-year-old Special Officer Giovanni DeMarco suits up and patrols the boardwalk in Ocean City.

For $10 an hour, no health benefits and no vacation days, he puts his life on the line to keep countless beach-goers safe.

But he is just one face in a population of thousands who seek seasonal employment at the Jersey Shore each year.

Some work as reinforcement for local police departments, others as amusement park ride operators, or ice cream scoopers, but they all are part of the magic that is the Jersey Shore.

“We hire a mix of approximately 40 Class 1 and Class 2 officers every summer,” said Ocean City Police Lt. Bruce Twiggs.

The hiring of special officers to supplement shore towns has been going on for more than 30 years. Just about every police department along the Atlantic coast does it.

“Our population fluctuates between about 12,000 in the winter time to a peak of 110,000 in the summer,” said Twiggs. “With that kind of influx we need supplemental officers, but we don’t need them year-round.”

The Ocean City police department has 55 full-time officers.

“So for the summer we don’t exactly double our force, but it is pretty close,” said Twiggs.

To help with the crowds, police departments can hire two classes of seasonal help.

Class 1 special law enforcement officers have limited enforcement powers and do not carry firearms, but can still enforce laws for motor vehicle violations, city ordinances, petty disorderly persons offenses and disorderly persons.

These recruits go through 80 hours of training, traffic enforcement, traffic control, unarmed defense, report writing and other basic law enforcement courses.

Class 2 officers are just shy of full-time police officers. They can carry a firearm, but cannot make arrests outside of a town’s jurisdiction or take their firearms home.

These officers receive 471 hours of training, classes run in the winter and summer, said Twiggs.

DeMarco worked his way up and is now serving as a Class 2 officer in Ocean City.

“Last year I served on the patrol division as a Class 1. I issued parking tickets more than anything, but it was a good learning experience,” said DeMarco. “I was able to learn from the officers around me and pick up their good habits.”

This year, DeMarco is on the boardwalk unit and he has embraced the extra responsibility of a Class 2 officer. He also likes the interaction with the public.

“I want the public to look at me and see that I enjoy my job,” said DeMarco. “I don’t want people to fear approaching me, because as law enforcement officers we are here to help the community.”

This is John Coffey’s first year as a Class 1 officer in Ocean City.

The 18–year-old Pennsauken resident is a student at Rowan University.

Twiggs said 99 percent of the special officers they hire are college students. Of that amount, 75 percent are criminal justice majors. Some students can even use the summer jobs to earn college credit.

“I’m only a month in, but for the most part it has been a positive experience,” said Coffey. “It’s a good test to see if I want to pursue a career in law enforcement.”

So far, Coffey said he handles a lot of “quality of life” calls.

“Not too much action yet on the boardwalk,” he said.

Twiggs said boardwalk officers work on a two-shift rotation, either 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or a 5 p.m. to 1 a.m.

DeMarco said there are major differences between the two shifts.

“During the daytime you see more families so you get calls for medical emergencies like heat stroke or seizures,” said DeMarco. “At night there is more action, kids out drinking or causing trouble.”

DeMarco, who hopes to land a job with his hometown department, said his goal is to protect the public and educate them on why certain rules on the boardwalk need to be followed.

North Wildwood Police Lt. Kevin Tolan said working as a special officer can serve as a stepping stone for a future law-enforcement career.

North Wildwood, where the population typically swells from 5,000 year-round to 50,000 in the summer, has hired 43 officers this summer to supplement their 20-plus full-time police force.

“This year 10 kids returned out of 41 because most of the officers from last year got picked up for a full-time job in their hometowns,” said Tolan. “We’ve had kids who started here that are now in all levels of law enforcement across the state.”

But the Jersey Shore is not all about law and order.

This summer Caroline Drury, 20, of Philadelphia, is working at Johnson’s Popcorn.

She said her family owns a house in Ocean City and as she got older she started picking up jobs to make some extra money.

“I like it a lot but it kind of stinks being able to look out at the beach knowing you’re stuck here,” said Drury. “It gets tough and frustrating when I’m the only girl working, you have to think the line will always end at some point.”

Personnel Director at Gillian’s Wonderland Pier, Brian O’Connell, said they hire about 200 summer employees including international college students from Lithuania and Turkey.

Morey’s Pier in Wildwood hires approximately 1,500 seasonal workers and keeps 115 full-time employees, said spokesman Tim Samson. Most seasonal ride operators make the minimum wage of $7.25 an hour.

Tim Diggins, 19, of Egg Harbor Township, has been working at Ocean City’s Wonderland Pier for three years.

“It’s a fun, reliable job,” Diggins said. “You get to watch kids have fun on rides and it’s pretty easy.”

Diggins said the ability to work just a few months in the summer is what drew him to seasonal work at the shore.

“I go to college in North Carolina so three or four months of work is the perfect job for me,” said Diggins. “Most days here I work open to close.”

As for training on certain rides, Diggins said each day they are assigned to a ride.

“They make a schedule each day and if someone has not been trained on a ride they take you out and spend plenty of time making sure you know how to operate the ride,” said Diggins. “Safety is first.”

The Jersey Shore is also known to host many international workers through the summer. It was 20-year-old Kazakhstan native Bagdat Akhmenov’s first trip to the United States.

Akhmenov is working at George’s Candies this summer.

“I wanted to see the world and make new friends,” said Akhmenov, whose native country in central Asia borders Russia. “I’ve never been to the USA. It maybe was a little bit like my dream to come here.”

According to the U.S. Department of State’s Exchange Visitor Program, in 2011 nearly 7,000 workers came into New Jersey for summer jobs on a temporary work visa.

The Federal Summer Work Travel program is said to provide foreign students with an opportunity to live and work in the United States during their summer vacation from college to experience and to be exposed to the people and way of life in the United States.

Samson said Morey’s Piers owns four boarding homes that house both international and U.S. employees.

“We house about 10 percent of our summer work force,” Samson said. “We work with area housing owners and provide options to our seasonal associates.”


Line of Duty Death Officer Celena Hollis

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Police Officer

Celena Hollis

Denver Police Department, Colorado

End of Watch: Sunday, June 24, 2012
Bio & Incident Details

Age: 32

Tour: 7 years

Badge # Not available

Cause: Gunfire

Incident Date: 6/24/2012

Weapon: Handgun

Suspect: Not available

Police Officer Celena Hollis was shot and killed while attempting to break up a fight at a jazz festival in Denver's City Park shortly after 8:00 pm.

Two groups of people had begun to fight and Officer Hollis intervened, attempting to stop the fight. One of the subjects involved in the fight opened fire with a handgun, striking Officer Hollis in the head. She was transported to a local hospital where she succumbed to her wounds.

One subject was taken into custody at the scene.

Officer Hollis had served with the Denver Police Department for seven years and acted as the president of the Denver Black Police Officers Association. She is survived by her daughter.

Please contact the following agency to send condolences or to obtain funeral arrangements:

Chief Robert White

Denver Police Department

1331 Cherokee Street

Denver, CO 80204

Phone: (720) 913-2000

24 Haziran 2012 Pazar

Constantino's Market Downtown

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It's easy to believe there's no grocery stores in downtown Cleveland if  you don't know what you're looking for, but Constantino's Market is definitely there, at 1278 W 9th St.
On the plus side, they have a lot of local grocery, they're family owned, and the quality of the food is very good. The downside is the price- but what would you expect from a grocery store with no competition? If you want groceries without having to drive out of downtown, you probably have to hit Constantino's.
The popular consensus is that it's good for the prepared foods, but the staples just aren't worth it to buy there.

La Fiesta Restaurant

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According to a bunch of other reviews, this is a love-it-or-hate-it sort of place, although I'm not really sure why. The food seemed quite on-par with Mi Pueblo's and my enchiladas were tasty. There was plenty of food for me to take home, too.

I thought the decor and the bathrooms were just awesome. Excellent ambiance.

The waitress, Josephin, was adorable and super-helpful and attentive.

Liquid Planet - Cleveland Heights

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The best thing about Liquid Planet in Cleveland Hts is the big tank of water and free water cups. Their location (Cedar-Fairmount District) is a fashionable part of town home to students, doctors and professors.

$6 for a toasted pita isn't bad, but it's not exactly cheap fare either. It's a good place to get smoothies in Cleveland, I'd say. Located across the street from Aladdin's, Bruegger's Bagels and Starbucks, they have a lot of competition for light lunchy-food, but they seem to be doing a decent business.

I can't help but wonder if they hire people to work their based on their looks; because the ladies behind the counter are all young and conventionally pretty. (That's not really something I'm cool with, as everyone deserves an equal shot at a job no matter what they look like, but it could be a fluke so I won't make any accusations.)

Oh, they have free Wi-Fi, by the way!

Phnom Penh - Cambodian / Khmer Food in Ohio City

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This first picture here is of the Na Ting, which is an appetizer you have to get. My friend and I split it and it was absolutely delicious. You get little squares of fried, crisped rice and this savory soup mixture to go on top. The menu is a small novel, so there's an awful lot of choices in what to get.  The flavors in the dishes were very complex, each of them like a unique symphony of tastes all going together!
The iced coffee was also very strong and very good. I would definitely go back!
Note well: They don't accept credit cards (Although I hear a rumor that they secretly do; the minimum is $15 so be sure to bring enough cash!) 
They are located right next to the West Side Market so you can just park in the market parking lot, go out to eat, and then shop at the market afterwards!

Mama Santa's - Little Italy

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People in Cleveland think that the Little Italy area is lovely and romantic, but having lived there for three years, I think it's kind of overpriced and bigoted. There's definitely a dark side to Little Italy, including but not limited to a racist mob and some super gentrification going on.

Most of the restaurants in Little Italy are overpriced and vermin-infested. One of the cheaper places to get something to eat is Mama Santa's; and it's where we got pizza from while we were in college.

I went with my friend to Mama Santa's for a walk down memory lane, and both of us being visibly queer, we were treated with some condescension (weird looks, snippy remarks) from the waitress. The food was the same ordinary food we enjoyed during college; nothing special.

Note well that they don't serve pineapple on pizzas here... the waitress made it clear to us that we'd need to go up to Hippie Coventry to get something so outlandish as that.

23 Haziran 2012 Cumartesi

Joke thief?

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A few months ago, Marc Maron did a two-part interview (Part One / Part Two) with Carlos Mencia that raises some complicated questions about intellectual property. If you have time, please listen to this interview (Part One / Part Two). It is a fascinating look at a very successful person in a creative field who doesn't seem to be particularly creative.

Mencia has been accused of taking original material from other comics and performing the jokes on his TV show and HBO specials without compensating the creators or even giving them writing credit. But can a comedian own a premise? Are poets or musicians who riff on the work of other artists stealing that material? Is it okay for a comic to take a premise that's been used by another comedian, put his spin on it and make money from it? Is being derivative an artistic sin? I think these questions are pertinent to any artist. Actually, listening to this interview with Mencia makes me think about writing poems--even a good idea for a poem takes a long time and a lot of work to develop into something of value. And unlike poets, who get feedback in the collegial setting of workshop, comics typically have to workshop their ideas in front of a room full of drunk people.

Comics are generally sympathetic to the difficulty of this development process, so Mencia has become an outcast in his creative community as a result of the allegations of theft. (Spicy language!)

But is Mencia stealing the craft of other artists? Should Mencia get credit for performing the jokes well, even if he didn't write the original bit? Some of the material he's accused of stealing can't be called original. They're jokes that are so obvious, everyone makes them:

But Mencia has also allegedly lifted some bits that are well-known in the comedy community as a result of having been developed and previously performed by influential comics:

A bit from Bill Cosby

A bit from Sam Kinison

A bit from George Carlin (spicy language!)

And a line from a song (spicy language!)

These are just the handful of incidents that have gotten a lot of hits on YouTube. If the allegations are true, who knows how many unknown comics Mencia may have taken material from? Part two of the interview (Part One / Part Two) recounts disturbing allegations that Mencia damaged the career of up-and-coming comedian, Freddie Soto, by appropriating his material.


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So I'm sickish. But you know. These things happen.
You know what else is happening? I'm dragging 18 18-year-olds to the museum to be with some art. i selected 15 pieces (the max) -- wildly different, hopefully intriguing to them (at least they are to me, so that's covered) for them to experience. most likely, they'll have to write about it.
so that's happening.
you know what else is happening? out of 15, only 12 will be shown. like a dozen without a baker. the other 3:

Paul Klee's "Two Trees"

Man Ray's "What We All Lack"

and Jenny Holzer's "Truisms" are all unavailable for the class because they are currently on display.

Which, I figure, is good enough.

For now though, because I periodically become entranced by her stuff (you know, "the page! the page! the 37 story page!"), here's some:

Want more?

Here ya go (go ahead - click it!):

This is actually a response to David's DJ Shadow post down there but the comment wouldnt allow my video

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I was under the impression that John Oswald's Plexure, released in 1993, was the first entire album to depend solely on other musicians' work. Plexure is about 20 minutes of mixed and mashed snippets of pop songs released between, I think, 1980-1990, or at least somewhere in that span of years. It’s pretty disorienting, but also extremely interesting, if you can stand what essentially sounds like somebody fiddling with a radio tuning knob, constantly cycling through radio stations for 20 minutes.

However, I think Oswald has been quick to distance himself from "sampling" in the traditional sense, like what is done in hip-hop. Oswald labels what he does as Plunderphonics (essay: Plunderphonics or Audio Piracy as a Compositional Prerogative) and seems to draw the distinction between Plunderphonics and sampling in that hip-hop and other sample-heavy genres, e.g. glitch, normally attempt to fit their samples into an existing peice, or a peice which will exist; either way, the sample is merely a layer among layers. To "plunder" is instead to make music exclusively out of samples, to use the sampling machine as a musical instrument in itself. To create plunderphonic music is then to use such an instrument to recreate "noise" (what we hear around us, natural or unnatural) the same way that composers (Oswald dwells on Ives in particular) create melody out of existing tone scales and public domain pieces (since many of those older composers were creating in a copyright-free era).

It seems that Oswald is aligning himself with Futurist composer Luigi Russolo, who created “music” out of assembled devices which would recreate noises such as whistling, thundering, creaking, etc, and John Cage, whose compositions using radios in the 40s and 50s (I think that’s right) preface Oswald’s own radio-derived pieces. Essentially, Oswald provides an avenue out of the copyright dilemma by asserting that A. “plundering” has been a musical tradition stretching from Bach to jazz to contemporary pop music, and B. the sampler is a unique instrument, just as are pianos, trumpets, guitars, capable of producing music that, though it may be derived entirely from other pieces, is wholly unique on its own and is thus a creation equal to any other musical or artistic creation.

I have Plexure if anybody is interested in hearing any of it, but I won’t post anything from it since I don’t want anybody unwillingly bombarded by such abrasive dissonance. I will, however, post a Girl Talk song; Girl Talk is the pseudonym for DJ Gregg Gillis, who is a contemporary mash-up artist. Mash-up, as a genre, I believe probably comes closest genre-wise to reproducing Oswald’s aims in Plunderphonics, except that mash-up, generally speaking, is party music.

The song is track number 10, I think, from Gillis' 3rd album, Night Ripper (Warning: Explicit language). The video was created by Concordia University professor Matthew Soar, for the Open Cinema Source Project.

Part of the fun of mash-up music, and Girl Talk's in particular, is also being to recognize all the samples (there's something like 200 or so,maybe more, samples spread out over 16 songs) which relates to a buzzword thats been circulating recently about the "pleasure of the known," in which culture has become so reflexive and referential that part of the cultural experience, and part of participating in society, is being able to place references (think of such fare as Mystery Science Theater 3000, Family Guy, the Simpsons, not to mention tons of poetry, etc). To be a participant and to derive pleasure from participation seems increasingly tethered to knowing sources, and being appreciate the layering of sources (a source referencing a source refering a source). Of course, this is incredibly off topic and deserves a different post entirely.

As for what David said about subdivision, I like the application to text poetry and I agree that prosody seems to be the replacement for the music that would accompany a video poem (I guess that should be reversed: music is the replacement for prosody). Or even for a video poem without music, video itself has a rhythm to it, as Russian director Andrei Tarkovsky noted in his book Sculpture in Time: "The dominant, all powerful factor of the film image is rhythm, expressing the course of time within the frame....[The expression of time]...is the very foundation of cinema...Rhythm...is not the metrical sequence of peices; what makes it is the time-thrust within the frames. Rhythm...is the main formative element of cinema....Rhythm in cinema is conveyed by the life of the object visibly recorded in the frame." (Sculpting in Time, pgs 113-120).

Anyway, I agree that sampling, or plundering involves the subdividing of ideas in a LFT kind of way; the only quibble I have, David, is your statement that "[DJ Shadow] unit[es] others' fragments". Isnt it the other way around, though? Don't his sources, and the sources for most other musical sampling/plundering begin as united, and then the artist/sampler/Dj/plunderer fragments those compositions? At least, that really only applies to music-- not that a DJ couldnt unite out of fragments, I just dont know of any case where a DJ has done so. I think the point you made is still relevant for poets though, and maybe this is where the alikeness between a DJ and a poet ends: a poet can unite fragments or fragment unities and create poetry out of either. We're lucky to have it both ways.

As for what I was supposed to post, about the supposedly French Oulipian idea about how any word has the potential and the weight of all other words (which I think I now actually picked up from Derrida, not Oulipo) I'll get to that this weekend, since what began as a simple "Hey, here's the link" has turned into something else.

DJ Adio at Beachwood Place with Phillip Bimstein's Door music reveal some of the Vibrational Ways of Doors in Augmenting [Limited Forked Theory] Configurable Spaces, including idea spaces, and a fondling of ripples of creation —riding some of those wavy portals

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While at Beachwood Place Mall, looking, as usual, for evidence of interaction (such as shadows and reflections), I came upon DJ Adio in a shop window, positioned where both he and his reflection could be seen on two glass planes on which reflections from passersby also temporarily converged, diverged, then converged again on the second plane. A sampling, if you will, of space, of occupancy; a sharing of moment as he spun red discs of music I could not hear.

The sharing of space as reflections converged seemed to be a visual aspect of what the DJ was mixing; persons he did not know, could not see were becoming part of him, walking through his image, enlarging what his image could contain, just as he was enlarging sonic space and sonic meanings.

DJ Adio was functioning as a door, as a bifurcation point, as an entrance and exit point, an access point —and his gestures seemed to be shuffling what was converging, configuring the sonic and visual geometries of the connections. A fantastic door system that I wanted to highlight and explore further with Philip Bimstein's Door music and added vocal tracks expressing and exploring some gist of my observations that were part of the convergence, part of the collaboration.

DJ Adio Door Ways Ghost Relay: an adventure in vibration studies was a poam outcome of an unplanned investigation of a convergence of DJ, reflection, observation, meaning as transit system, the mixing of elements by a DJ in the configuration of a moment.

In this investigation, the movements and gestures took on more context as ripples of experience, shockwaves fanning out from a central event: the DJ's role as an assembler of realities within realities; DJ Adio was acting as a hub into which realities fed, a hub of convergence where he reassembled what converged and transmitted alternate versions, more of the other possibilities for the information that converged in his hub. DJ Adio as relay station, as transformer.

"You are mathematical. You don't have to do math; you are math." -Thylias Moss

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Here's a little math I can get with:

“A Thaum is the basic unit of magical strength. It has been universally established as the amount of magic needed to create one small white pigeon or three normal-sized billiard balls.” --Terry Pratchett

Also, I may consider a side-gig in thaumaturgy.

Yes. I think I may.

“I believe anything is possible.
Research into quantum physics
proves that a system changes
simply by someone observing it.
Therefore, all you have to do is be
awake and aware of your environment,
and that enables you to
transform everything around you.
It sounds like hocus pocus, but
scientists are coming to realize that
just thinking about something can
make it happen. Turns out maybe
faith can move mountains.”

--Christine Anderson

21 Haziran 2012 Perşembe

temporary dread remedy #1:

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mold fake teeth out of soft clay.

temporary dread remedy #2:


questions that I feel better about after having written them down but questions that I cannot ask because their answers are none of my business:

those bracelets?

are you back to texting me like I'm a piece of shit?

have you gone to a therapist yet?

how often do you tell her you love her?

do you tell her when I'm in the other room?

when you say you're thinking about nothing do you actually mean that in that moment you want to be anywhere but where you currently are?

some dreadful things

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"A process for filtration of matter from a liquid suspension through a membrane uses a rotor within a concentric shell rotating with a surface velocity which, together with the rotor-shell gap and suspension viscosity, establishes vigorous vortex cells about the rotor. At least one of the rotor and shell surfaces include a filter membrane. Tangential velocity components at the membrane surface constantly sweep the membrane surface to limit cell deposition tendencies while constantly replenishing the medium to be filtered. The vortex cells are established along the length of the membrane despite the constant extraction of filtrate and the resultant change in physical characteristics of the suspension."

2. (which eventually became 3.)

frozen in acetone and foamed with polyurethane 

ropes wire foampad and needles (to get the right pose)

the curing of your mother's body (cured meat)


fresh bodies

take your mother's shoes off

before you throw her in

the frozen acetone

her dingy flowered dress

won't last in the pink bath

foamed with polyurethane

be nice to the german man

holding the ropes he'll

use wire foampad needles

to get the right pose

the curing of your 

mother's body 

the ultraviolet 

specimen in

Gunther's hands

bring her back home 

sit it her at the kitchen table and 

she'll wait up for you all night.


your stomach noises loud when pressed on the hard floor

dinosaur mouths, dinosaur teeth on chicken

women with their shirts off watching a camcorder

turn the genes back on.

+2 and more to come (very sorry)

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the other woman's dread #1

the jars on your floor are

nineteen days full of rain

I keep trying to get off your couch 

but the fever in my calves

keeps me from standing 

then a man king comes

home again for an hour

I am locked in your hallway

cut out of my rough nest old

smelling like kool-aid 

and tobacco. he sits in my

spot and you hate him for

it because you miss me.

there is someone walking by

your front door and I can see

them from where I'm kept

in the hall. if they ask me

to come outside I'll go

the wet air will fix my legs 

and I'll remember what it 

was like before I knew you.



the dread of drunk examining

sitting on the edge of the bathtub

I look down at the pale skin 

crinkled at the edges and think

of a twelve year old. 

wet fingers grasp my forearm

but my bra is still on so I put 

my toes in. 

when my hands run down wet

bodies they should hit 

something there should be 

friction wet soft nails should 

find more than bones and skin

so I keep going.

I lose a finger on sharp breasts

but still nothing. my whole left

hand is gone after the tail, almost

concave in its sterility. 

finally I see floating

in mucky water rooted 

in a big toe

three black lines.

I rub them with my thumb

I rub them and it gives me 


but it gives her


someone else's dread

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and the dread of not knowing if you like a short story, despite its undeniable strain of dread

Two (from the collaborative project Seconds by Adam Simon and Matthew Sharpe)

The meanness of the satirical essay you wrote hit me yesterday like a baseball on the chin. Those Sundays we lay curled up in each other on your hard futon kissing and discussing Marx eventually gave me serious lower back problems but at the time I was having like these day-long orgasms in my brain. You said, "Satire will be an important tool for the revolution," and maybe it will but it also can be a place for someone to hide from the intensity of any real feelings he may have and also to transmute them into a very painful projectile to be hurled at the person he has them about. 

It felt so good to be able to unburden myself to you re my inner conflict over my job at the ad agency, so then to see it lampooned yesterday on your blog in what was basically a "humorous" open break-up letter to me - "I'm hoping my $10 million campaign for the US Army is offset by the fact that I buy only free-range organic granola" - made me feel, well, I don't know, what does Marx say about how it feels to be betrayed by someone you lay naked next to for a cumulative total of fourteen months of your life, someone whom you let pull your hair - hard! - during sex because it game him so much pleasure even though it really hurt you although you sort of liked it but only because of the obviously intense pleasure he was deriving?

Also, do you think those cool hand-printed signs in the window of your bicycle shop aren't advertising?

After I read your thing I had a lot to say and even if you thought you knew what I was going to say and didn't want to hear it from yet another person, it wasn't fair to not let me say it, and the beautiful mixtape you gave me didn't make up for that because if I've gained any knowledge from my time with you it's that beauty is one thing and fairness is another. 

You said, "The distinction between the public and the private is a distinction internal to bourgeois law." So you keep posting those satires of me on your blog from the back of that little storefront were you work and sleep, and I'll climb up to the roof deck of my nice apartment building and advertise to the world till I'm hoarse that i loved you. 

the dread of the use of the word dread

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I really am very sorry about adding so many posts at the last minute. I had pieces of dread in various technological and physical locations and was only just now able to unite them (with the exception of final photographs, which had been camera-napped but will hopefully make it on this blog). The reason for the wide dispersion of work is that the dread comes unannounced very often and I made a point of documenting its appearance no matter where I was. (I have work on the dread's departure as well, but it will not be ready for quite some time.) I, perhaps, mislabeled a few of my pieces, since the #1 temporary dread remedy is, in fact, writing about dread. My project became a study not only of the feeling and how to interpret and represent it, but also how to counteract it through interpretation and representation. The project started when I began trying to think of a theme for our first poam assignment. I wanted to pick something personal, but mysterious so I would have a lot of very important questions to ask about it. I ended up picking the dread because it wouldn't leave me alone and I thought that while I was being dreadful I could at least explore the sources and consequences of the feeling. I began with lists (in the first dreadpost) of specific things that reminded me of dread, caused me to feel dread, or helped get rid of my dread. A few of them were highly specific and therefore not very accessible, but I started noticing sentences or images or whole stories that would remind me of the same feeling and I began to try and keep track of them. I felt obnoxious as it was posting ten entries in a row, so I chose a few of my favorite images and a short story. The work of my own that I included ranges from pieces written directly about dread, to pieces written while experiencing the dread, to pieces written about things that I think cause the dread. Some of them are more highly developed and edited than others, which are simply thoughts. I am excited to go back on this blog after I finish this last post to see if the pieces are at all related to one another or have any unifying images. The stomach and the teeth seemed present in a lot of my writings about dread, which lead me to begin transferring my written work into a highly textured 3-d form with the help of many bags of steel wool. Steel wool seemed a good material with which to construct dread because it was ugly but could be made into something more pleasing to look at (in my opinion). It also seems to be the right texture of dread and can easily be manipulate into different forms that can fit into all of the places where dread is found.For my first structural idea, and the one I brought in to present, I chose the somewhat obvious image of the stomach. Dread is felt most prominently in the stomach. Often it is present in what feels like small balls of varying textures and numbers within the stomach. I made the stomach model the largest because I wanted it to have a presence, like the feeling does. I then began to explore what the inside of the steel wool stomach might look like. I mapped out a few possibilities with materials such as dirt, glass, fur, more steel wool, bronze wool, and clay. The feeling is never quite the same, depending on the source of dread, the time of day, the amount of food consumed previous to and after development of dread, phone calls made, projects assigned/due, run-ins on the street, glasses of water processed and endless other factors. I realize that upon reading the poems, if you ever get through all of this and make it down there, they might not seem to be depicting the same thing or even the same type of thing. I was very lax with my self-regulation in terms of what to consider applicable and what not. This project, as unfinished and fresh as it is, has helped me learn to slowly love the dread, or at least appreciate it as a character in my life. It is a constant source of dependable companionship that I will continue to get to know in the months and years to come. If this is extremely long when the margins get significantly thicker I, for the 4th or 5th time, apologize for taking up so much space. I hope some of this is at least fun to read.