21 Eylül 2012 Cuma

Baby Cakes Bakery

Today I wandered in to Baby Cakes Bakery, which is a little cupcake shoppe across the street from Melt near the corner of Taylor and Cedar in Cleveland Heights.If you're looking for some amazing cupcakes in the Heights, this is where you should go!I got to talking with Kim (she's the middle one in the picture), the owner, about her business.

They've just moved Baby Cakes back to Cleveland Heights and they don't even have the sign up yet!

I asked them what they're famous for and they pointed me in the direction of the Pink Lemonade cupcake. It was delicious! Especially the frosting- it was tangy and sweet all at once, and the cupcake was super fluffy.Baby Cakes has 31 flavors including the Pink Lemonade, butter pecan, and more traditional flavors like chocolate and vanilla. The cupcakes cost $2.50 each and I only got one because they don't take credit cards (yet?).

Kim says she's been baking "forever"- she recalls baking tea cakes with her mom. Her mom actually coined the name for the shop because she used to call Kim "baby cakes" when she was little. Baby Cakes is family owned, and the family has always been in Ohio, so this is a great business to support!

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