23 Eylül 2012 Pazar

Detroit nightclub security manager stabbed to death www.privateofficer.com

DETROIT MI Sept 23 2012 Asecurity manager at Detroitnight club was fatally stabbed early this morning while escorting a man out.
It happened around 1 a.m. today at Pandemonium night club onEast Congress, Detroitpolice spokesman Sgt. Alan Quinn said.
It’s the second time in recent months a security guard waskilled at the club.
Marcel Jackson, 39, was working security outside thePandemonium when he was shot and killed June 20.The father of six, and a Detroit 300 volunteer, was shot during adrive-by outside the club. Investigators say a patron of the nightclub onCongress near Fort and Washington was thrownout after he hit a woman inside and returned firing shots that hit Jackson in the back.
Police have not arrested anybody in connection with thestabbing.The suspect left on foot after the stabbing, Quinn said.
The name of the security guard as not been released, butpolice said he was a man in his late 30s.

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